StandUp for Kids – Worcester wishes to thank each and every individual and organization that has helped to contribute to our success. For more ways to get involved by volunteering your time, helping fullfill our wishlist, or to donate money please contact us at [email protected].
Thank you to Schwartz Charitable Foundation for donating $2,500 to support the center and the storage unit of outreach supplies and donations to give the youths.
Thank you DCU for Kids
StandUp for Kids – Worcester thanks DCU for Kids for their grant support of $6,150 for our Backpack Program. With this generous gift, we will be able provide young students a backpack filled with healthy supplemental food items on weekends and school vacations, periods when they may have few resources for food. The program will serve 15 food-insecure students attending the Abby Kelley Foster Charter School for the entire 2018-2019 school year.
Thank You to Cornerstone Bank for the recent $500 donation to the STANDUP AND MOVE event as a Silver level sponsor and for a previous donation of $1,000 at the beginning of the year! Cornerstone has been an annual supporter of the Worcester StandUp For Kids program for the past few years.

Cornerstone Bank
Eastern Bank
Golub Foundation
The Schwartz Foundation
Wesley United Methodist Church
Juliet B.
Shawn G.
Patricia and John C.
Cynthia C.
Erica W.
Devra K.
Charlene W.
Nancy C.
Chuck D.
Jenna G.
Kerri G.
Meredith H.
David W.
Jordan D.
Sean H.
Sue S.
Denise B.
Emily and Maya S.
Juliet B.
Shawn G.
Eric A.
Joan R.
Jacob F.
Erica W.
Robert G.
Patti A.
Judith O.
Patricia A.
Diane D.
Elizabeth B.
Mark R. and Laura P.
Stephen and Donna M.
Margot B.
Sarah B.
Ethan R.
Nicholas B.
Bethany L.
Gail I.
Michael O.
Richard W.
Kerry P.
Donna K.
Dennis S.
Nancy C.
Keith H.
Anita S.
Kathleen B.
Emily and Maya S.
Jackie M.
Jenna G.
Brianna S.