This April, StandUp for Kids chapters across the nation will unite in action, each selecting a dedicated 48-hour period to shine a spotlight on youth homelessness and drive meaningful change in the communities they serve. We challenge you to take a stand and be part of the movement. Whether it’s by donating 48 essential items, contributing $48 to support vital programs, or committing to $40 per month for a total impact of $480 per year, your support fuels real change. Together, coast to coast, 48 hours at a time, we can make a lasting difference. How will you join the mission?
Donate to StandUp for Kids Tucson Today!
StandUp for Kids Tucson provides street outreach 3 evenings each week and ongoing advocacy for youth. In 2023 we opened an outreach center to expand our reach and programming. As we develop and grow and as the needs of our young people increase, so does our urgency for your help.
“StandUp for Kids is the best thing because they help you no matter what.” – Ashley
“Volunteers work hard to meet the needs of our youth, sustained monthly giving eliminates the pressure of wondering whether we will have what we need to help” – Kim Sisson
Contact [email protected] for Corporate sponsorship or to donate gift-in-kind.
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