Help Them Home 2024

3 siblings we recently housed this month of April 2024, they now have a safe place to call "home"
3 siblings we recently housed in April 2024. They now have a safe place to call “home”.

April 24th, 2024
One Day. $50,000.

Helping our youth, who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness move from surviving to thriving in Orange County for 21 years.

This year our focus for the Help Them Home event is on our crisis intervention program, the Journey to Self-Sufficiency (JTS), for youth ages 18-24. There are five stages on the Journey to Self-Sufficiency. These stages are important steps that ultimately lead to stable housing for the long term. In 2023, 98% of the youth we housed were still maintaining stable housing at their 12-month check-in. 


Youth are considered to have graduated from the JTS program when they have successfully completed all the training and achieved the desired outcomes. A series of worksheets are provided to reinforce what the mentee has learned while assuring the mentor that they have successfully prepared the youth to live independently.

StandUp for Kids is a Non-Profit dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness. We are a caring community for youth between the ages of 12 and 24 who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, with a 98% success rate transitioning them from crisis to self-sufficiency. We give our youth a sense of safety, hope, and belonging through street outreach, success centers, mentoring, housing support, and relationships with trusted, caring adults.