3/11/2025 – Kitsap Great Give Day Coming Soon

This year Kitsap Great Give Day is happening on March 11, 2025. Join dozens of non-profit organizations in fundraising, celebrating, and earning great prizes. Check out all the details below:
Early Giving begins HERE on March 1st
3/15/2025 – Join StandUp for Kids at the Military Appreciation Day Family Fun & Information Fair

This interactive event is designed to show appreciation to the men and women of our military: Active Duty, National Guard, Reservists, including Retirees and their families. Military Appreciation Day includes an information fair for new service members coming to our community in 2025. The public is welcome, but not eligible for any prizes.
Help SUFK Kitsap reach out to our community, raise awareness of the youth homelessness situation, and fundraise.
More information can be found at https://greaterkitsapchamber.com/military-appreciation-day-2/.
3/22/2025 – Food Donation Drive at Grocery Outlet – SILVERDALE

Stop by to say hello and show your support! We will be collecting donations of food and hygiene items on Saturday, March 22nd from 11am-3pm in front of the Silverdale Grocery Outlet located at 9451 Silverdale Way NW, Silverdale, WA 98383.
3/25/2025 – Kitsap Youth Rally for Human Rights
Face to Face: Take Off the Mask
When we refer to masks, we are referencing how we present ourselves differently from our true selves. Often times, minority groups feel the need to hide behind a mask to seem “acceptable” to society. “Face to Face: Take Off the Mask” means we want to see what is hidden from society, and what is below the surface.
— Marley Nunes, Vice President, SKHS Builders of Unity
What’s a Youth Rally? It’s a gathering of students from all over the Kitsap Peninsula, with music and student-led workshops about social justice and human rights. The Rally is sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network.
What will the schedule be at the Rally? The programming starts at 8:50 AM (with three breakout session and snacks), and the rally is over at 1:20 PM. The lunch period will be exclusively devoted to giving time for students to browse outreach tables from community organizations.
Where is the location? Olympic College, Bremerton
4/12/2025 – Food Donation Drive at Grocery Outlet – BREMERTON

Stop by to say hello and show your support! We will be collecting donations of food and hygiene items on Saturday, April 12th from 11am-3pm in front of the Bremerton Grocery Outlet located at 4320 Wheaton Way, Bremerton, WA 98310.