StandUp for Kids – Hampton Roads is the second oldest StandUp for Kids chapter, having been established in 1991 at the Virginia Beach oceanfront. Our volunteers serve homeless youth up to age 24 and their dependents through the following programs:
Drop In Center
The Drop In Center provides hot meals, games/crafts, counseling, and assistance with immediate needs three times per week
Street Outreach Program
The Street Outreach program is an opportunity to meet youth where they are; held in conjunction with the Drop In Center hours
High School Mentoring Initiative
In partnership with Old Dominion University, high school students are paired with college mentors that help support their educational goals. Through this initiative, we support a “Pay for Grade” program to further encourage our students’ success
Our program is continuing to grow. Last year we served over 100 kids every month; including facilitating housing, medical care, employment training, and family reunification.
JOIN US: We would love to have more volunteers! If interested in making a difference in the lives of Hampton Roads youth, please email us at [email protected].