Jimmy’s Letter to You
Dear StandUp For Kids supporters,
My name is Jimmy. I am 24 years old and have been homeless in Worcester off and on since I was 15 years old – that’s when my dad left us and my mother could not support my younger sister, brother, and I. So, my siblings and I have been fending for ...
Busy as a bee: Beautiful Day, Jog-A-Thon and Fundraisers
The last two weekends in April ended up to be quite busy for StandUp For Kids - Silicon Valley. This year we used the annual "48 Hours Event" to make improvements and renovations to our Outreach Center, The Village. With the endless help and support of "Beautiful Day" (volunteers of West ...
StandUp For Kids Kicks Off 28th Annual 48 Hours On The Streets
Atlanta, GA – For nearly three decades, StandUp For Kids, a national non-profit youth advocacy and outreach organization, has been on the streets and changing lives. Today it announced its 28th annual “48 Hours On The Streets” campaign to elevate community awareness of youth ...
Loyal Supporters Make The Denver Program Possible
Our StandUp For Kids - Denver Chapter is incredibly blessed! Although we have a small amount of volunteers, the number of youth we serve every Sunday is huge! We are 100% street based, meaning we have no drop-in center or inside space of any kind. There is no "Plan B" for Sunday dinners if the ...