Join Us In Welcoming Judi Wickham, Director of Volunteers

StandUp for Kids - Orange County by Carlia Oldfather We are so excited and grateful to welcome Judi Wickham to her new leadership role. Although Judi has been volunteering with StandUp for Kids - Orange County for more than five months, it wasn't until a few weeks back that Judi approached ...

StandUp for Kids Appoints New National Development Director

Colleen O’Neill joins StandUp for Kids with more than 20 years of experience in nonprofit leadership, management and high-level development, community building and long-term partnership cultivation. Colleen also a has a strong personal tie to the mission, from childhood through working ...

Jordan and Jacob: A Couple’s Path to a Better Life

StandUp for Kids - Orange County Living on the streets tore 21-year-old Jordan’s and 24-year-old Jacob’s lives apart. The couple had spent two years trying to get off the streets before they connected with StandUp for Kids. They had lost hope, but now they are on their way to a ...

Thank You To All Who Donated!

StandUp for Kids - Kitsap CountyThe final numbers for the 2019 Kitsap Great Give are in and we received a total of $5,148.50! Thank you to all of our donors who have made it possible to continue being able to help our homeless and at-risk youth here in Kitsap County. You ...