In order to grow our program here in Denver, several things must happen:
The first thing is to find more leaders to sit on our Leadership Team, to help build the program, set it on the right course, and insure that we will carry out the mission of StandUp For Kids. Which is basically, at every turn and opportunity, to make a difference in the lives of homeless and street kids and at-risk youth.
Aside from the leaders, we can really use some help in stocking our outreach resources. Due to a slowing economy our resources are critically low. We desperately need help to continue our outreach efforts on the streets of Denver.
Our immediate needs are:
Canned past products (like Chef Boyardee)
Bottled Water
Jars of baby food
Canned tuna
Granola Bars
Jars of Peanut Butter & jelly
Bus tokens
If you can help, please send an email to [email protected].
If you’re interested in being a part of StandUp For Kids – Denver, please send me an email and lets get together.
Thanks and we look forward to meeting with you and showing you how you can make a difference.