Donate / Wishlist

This April, StandUp for Kids chapters across the nation will unite in action, each selecting a dedicated 48-hour period to shine a spotlight on youth homelessness and drive meaningful change in the communities they serve. We challenge you to take a stand and be part of the movement. Whether it’s by donating 48 essential items, contributing $48 to support vital programs, or committing to $40 per month for a total impact of $480 per year, your support fuels real change. Together, coast to coast, 48 hours at a time, we can make a lasting difference. How will you join the mission?

Donate to StandUp for Kids Washington, DC

StandUp for Kids – Washington, DC is 100% volunteer run. All of your support goes directly to helping our youth.

Additionally, you can visit our Amazon Wishlist.

We welcome in-kind donations as well such as hygiene supplies (shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, contraceptives, soap, etc.)  and small, non-perishable food items (granola bars, fruit snacks, chips, ready-to-eat vacuum-packed meals, etc.). If you want to contribute in-kind donations, sponsor any of our events/activities, or are looking for additional ways to support our mission, please email our Executive Director, Heather Holmes.